Post-judgment Modifications

After the family court has issued orders, people’s circumstances sometimes change to such an extent that the initial orders are no longer workable. Because Florida courts recognize that changes sometimes happen, the state’s family laws allow people to request modifications of initial orders for child support, alimony, time-sharing, and child custody arrangements. The experienced family law attorneys at PurLaw are prepared to help people throughout South Florida with post-judgment modifications.

What Is Required to Secure a Modification?

Before a court will grant your modification request for child support, alimony, or time-sharing orders, you will need to show that your family’s circumstances have undergone a substantial change that directly relates to the subject of the order you want to modify.

For example, if you are requesting the court to lower your alimony or child support payments, you will need to present evidence showing a substantial change in your financial circumstances since the order was issued. If you want to modify the time-sharing plan, you will need to present evidence of a substantial change of circumstances and show that your proposed changes are in the best interests of your child.

Types of Post-Judgment Modifications

The attorneys at PurLaw can help prepare modification requests and provide representation for all of the following types of post-judgment modifications:

  • Child support modifications
  • Time-sharing/parenting plan modifications, including relocations, work schedule changes, and others
  • Alimony modifications

When your family’s circumstances have changed, it is critical to adapt the court orders so that they reflect those changes. The attorneys at PurLaw can explain your rights and help you through the process whether you are seeking a modification or objecting to it. We can help you understand whether the court is likely to approve the modification request or if it will likely be denied. If you want to modify your orders but learn that the court will likely deny your request, you can use the guidance we provide to potentially save time and money.

Contact PurLaw

To learn more about your rights and the modification you are seeking or contesting, contact PurLaw today to schedule a consultation.

Or call +1 (941) 320-5544 to protect your future and start your path to happiness.
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